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Discover The Beauty Of Rare And Exquisite Varieties

New Rhododendron Hybrids Take Root at Castle Howard

Discover the Beauty of Rare and Exquisite Varieties

Castle Howard in North Yorkshire, England, is renowned for its stunning gardens and arboretum. This spring, the estate welcomes two new additions to its collection of rhododendrons: WEB Rhododendron faucium and WEB Rhododendron cyanocarpum.

WEB Rhododendron faucium

A shrub or small tree reaching heights of 5-6 feet, WEB Rhododendron faucium is characterized by its oblanceolate leaves with rounded apexes that persist for two to three years. The campanulate flowers bloom in a vibrant pink to white hue, often tinged with pink and purple.

WEB Rhododendron cyanocarpum

A variety of Rhododendron eclecteum, WEB Rhododendron cyanocarpum also boasts campanulate flowers. Their delicate pink to white blooms are tinged with pink, creating a breathtaking display.

These exceptional rhododendrons add to the already diverse collection at Castle Howard, which includes over 700 varieties. Their introduction enhances the beauty of the gardens and provides visitors with the opportunity to admire these rare and exquisite plants up close.


The arrival of WEB Rhododendron faucium and WEB Rhododendron cyanocarpum at Castle Howard is a testament to the estate's commitment to botanical excellence. These new hybrids not only enrich the gardens but also inspire a sense of awe and wonder in all who behold them. As the colorful blooms of spring unfold, visitors are invited to explore the enchanting world of rhododendrons at this magnificent historical site.
